Atlantis Casino Resort Spa User Testing

User Testing, User Experience, Analysis

A data-driven design
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa is a favorite resort destination in Reno, Nevada. The resort offers a plethora of services including the casino, hotel, restaurants, spa, and meeting facilities. In addition to a visual update, they needed to present these offerings clearly, and simplify the booking of these services. I led the user test for this project. 

Roles: User Testing, User Experience, Analysis
illustration of a web page with a section being placed onto the page
We met with the client to determine their goals and expectations. They requested a fresh exciting website design with a simplified user experience that focussed more on bookings. First-draft designs were created to meet these goals.
illustration of a web page with cursor about to click on the page
I created a test plan composed of non-leading tasks focussed on bookings and key features of the resort. The participants performed the tasks in a first-click test, giving insight into their expectations and first impressions. I also included followup questions to each task, as well as pre and post test questions, which allowed the participants to provide more detail.
illustration of a web page with heat map overlay
Once the test was completed, I compiled and analyzed the data. This included assessing the overall success rate, impressions, and pain points. Heat maps and comments from participants gave valuable insights on how to move forward. I flagged areas of the design with significant failure and created an assessment from the feedback to guide revisions. The data and feedback also helped confirm where designs were successful.
illustration of an arrow leading from one point to another between 3 X shapes
After analysis was complete, I documented the data and findings with summaries and my insights. This document outlined how we planned to move forward with the design and why it was necessary, building trust and confidence with the client through later phases of the project.

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